2 stone down.

Paddy is home from school poorly so we’re spending the day hunkering down from the remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo.  It’s been nice to have a day pottering around, having a half-hearted attempt  at a tidy up.  Housework and keeping the place tidy seems to be completely beyond me at the moment but I hate living in a pig sty.  I read about this book on another blog, so I’ve down loaded it…it’s got to be worth a try!


I went to Slimming World last night and was over the moon to get my 2 stone award AND my Club 10!

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I feel so much better having lost 10% of my body weight and I can’t help imagine how much better I’d feel if it was 20%.  Or 30%.

It’s my second yoga class tonight and I’m really looking forward to it.  I went last Tuesday night and on Wednesday Julia and I went to Alton Towers.  By Thursday EVERY MUSCLE IN MY BODY was aching.  It’ll be interesting to see if that was down to the yoga or the day I spent being hurtled around on amazing rides!  I’ve only ever done Hatha Yoga before but this class is more Dynamic/Power Yoga and wow…you can tell the difference!